Patron Anejo Tequila 750ml
$134.99 price per bottle
PATRON Anejo Tequila is a complex, elegant spirit, passionately handcrafted in Jalisco, Mexico from a few natural ingredients. Made from the finest 100% Weber Blue Agave and aged for 12 to 15 months in oak whiskey barrels, this premium tequila delivers oak wood with notes of vanilla, raisin and honey, followed by a smoky, caramel finish for a spirit that is as remarkable in quality as it is in status. When you want to show off your style, mix PATRON Anejoa distinctly barrel-aged spiritinto a number of enjoyable drinks like a Paloma, Mai Tai or Old Fashioned. It is also the perfect tequila anejo for sipping on its own. At 40% alcohol by volume, the warm amber color of this exceptional tequila is followed by its unique flavor that helps to create an unforgettable taste. PATRON tequila is passionately handcrafted by our familia of bold innovators who maintain a tireless dedication to achieve perfection in every drop. This unshakable confidence is embedded in the heart and soul of PATRON and leads to the 100% natural, simply perfect tequila that is PATRON Anejo. Please Drink Responsibly.
ABV: | - |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | - |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | IW |
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