Russian Standard Gold Vodka 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

Russian Standard Gold Vodka 750ml

$90.48 price per bottle

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Russian Standard Gold starts like other Russian Standard vodkas--hardy winter wheat from the Black Steppes and glacial water from Lake Ladoga are combined and then distilled and quadruple filtered through charcoal. But during the process, Russian Standard Gold is infused with Siberian ginseng, inspired by an ancient recipe. While not a flavored vodka, it tastes of hints of caramel and vanilla. A distinctively rich and exceptionally smooth vodka with a warm and creamy mouthfeel, it is an ideal sipping vodka, neat or on the rocks. The beautiful embossed bottle makes for an attractive addition to your home bar and is also a perfect gift. With a beautiful embossed bottle and real rose gold-foiled label, Russian Standard Gold embodies the vibrant spirit of Russian generosity and gift-giving. Russian Standard Gold is inspired by an ancient Siberian vodka recipe made popular by Peter the Great and has extracts of Siberian Golden Root. This ingredient creates a unique rich tasting vodka that adds vitality to any celebration. SHOW LESS

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW
Quality Guaranteed

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