Wodka Vodka 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

Wodka Vodka 750ml

$78.49 price per bottle

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WODKA! An honest vodka, made by people who love the spirit, so well give it to you straight. Vodka has a hotly contested history. Some may tell you it originated in Russia, but in truth it definitely, probably comes from Poland. Thats why we make WODKA Vodka in Poland, with Polish ingredients, in a classically Polish, no-bullshit style. We get the rye, then we mill it, cook it, and ferment it. We distill it five times, mellow it through a charcoal filter twice. We let it sit and rest. Thats it. The result is a clean, no-frills, high-quality vodka that tastes good in cocktails and also tastes good out of cocktails. Our history isnt what makes WODKA great, but were proud of it. Were one of the last estate-grown Polish rye vodkas left, and our distillery is near Kalisz, the oldest town in Poland, famous even in Roman times for its rye. Everything we use is Polish, even the charcoal (a unique Polish birch), and especially the rye: locally grown Dankowskie, a golden winter variant that vodka nerds agree is very good stuff.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW
Quality Guaranteed

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