St. George Baller Whiskey 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

St. George Baller Whiskey 750ml

$164.00 price per bottle

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?A California take on the Japanese spin on Scotch whisky. ? So says master distiller Lance Winters of this unique and inspired spirit, which was created with Japanese-style whiskey highballs in mind (hence the name Baller). 100% American barley (predominately two-row pale malted barley, the remainder is lightly roasted). After distillation in eau de vie pot stills, the whiskey is aged in used bourbon casks and French oak wine casks, as well as filtered through maple charcoal. The whiskey is then finished in casks that had held house-made umeshu (a Japanese style of plum liqueur we made entirely from California-grown ume fruit). Crisp and dry, with a touch of malt sweetness and a hint of lychee fruit and nutty almond character. The smoky finish lingers and builds with each sip. In addition to using in Japanese-style whiskey highballs, we also recommend Baller in a "Ballervardier," or in place of Scotch whisky in a Bobby Burns or Rob Roy.

ABV: 47.0%
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: California
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Quality Guaranteed

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