Absolut Elyx Vodka 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

Absolut Elyx Vodka 750ml

$130.00 price per bottle

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Absolut Elyx is a true luxury vodka, built on the principles of quality, integrity and craftsmanship, distilled in a manually operated vintage copper still from 1921. The result is an award winning vodka with a rich and smooth mouth feel. They call it liquid silk. Perfect for your martinis or even on the rocks.
Nose. . . Clean, rich, rounded, fresh bread and notes of white chocolate and light cereal and with a deep mellow spice.
Palate. . . Full-bodied, luscious silky mouthfeel with waves of rich macadamia nuts, creamed cereal and garnishes of white chocolate and buttery notes of freshly baked bread. Light fresh nuttiness with a well-balanced hint of mellow spice and pure balanced richness.
Finish. . . Rounded mellow spice with fresh nuttiness and a well balanced warm smooth finish.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Quality Guaranteed

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