Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750ml

$611.00 price per bottle

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Johnnie Walker Blue Label is an unrivalled masterpiece, an exquisite combination of Scotland's rarest and most exceptional whiskies. Only one in every ten thousand casks has the elusive quality, character and flavour to deliver the remarkable signature taste. An extraordinary Whisky for extraordinary occasions!NOSE. . . Take in the wonderfully mellow, rounded nose replete with dry smokiness artfully mixed with the sweetness of raisins. PALATE. . . Serving a velvety combination of vanilla, honey and rose petals before broadening out to include a zesty orange flavour with hazelnut, sherry and dark chocolate notes. FINISH. . . Signing off with a rich and luxuriously long finish showcases Johnnie Walker's trademark smokiness in the most sophisticated way.

ABV: 40.0%
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Quality Guaranteed

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