Tobermory Gin 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

Tobermory Gin 750ml

$97.00 price per bottle

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Tobermory Gin starts life as a blank canvas. The base spirit used has been distilled over and over until it is just that. Clean, fresh and ready to take on a colourful array of flavour. All of the hand-picked botanicals including heather, Hebridean tea, juniper and sweet orange peel, are steeped for a minimum of 24 hours in our base spirit. This is made up of blank canvas (Grain Neutral Spirit) and spirit from the Tobermory whisky stills. NoseNotes of fresh juniper balanced with citrus and coriander notes, with a touch of maltiness. Palate Fresh juniper balanced with sweet orange and lemon, hints of coriander, gentle herbs and spices, with a luxurious, creamy mouth-feel and a subtle hint of sweet malt. Finish Long and lingering, fresh and citrus

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Quality Guaranteed

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