Smoke Lab Classic Vodka 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

Smoke Lab Classic Vodka 750ml

$98.00 price per bottle

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Smoke Lab Vodka is India's first Premium Vodka made by one of the world's largest and most respected spirits producers. Smoke Lab Classic is a rice vodka made from the finest quality, locally sourced Basmati Rice and Pure Himalayan spring water. The Smoke Lab Vodka Classic is an ultra pure spirit, with a whole lot of intrigue. Enjoy it chilled as is or in your favourite vodka cocktail.
Smoke Lab Vodkas are:
5 X Distilled for superior taste and character. Two-Step Sparkle Filtered through Charcoal and Silver. Gluten-Free and Vegan. Zero Carbon Footprint & Zero Waste.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Quality Guaranteed

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