Mortlach 16 Year Old 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

Mortlach 16 Year Old 750ml

$277.00 price per bottle

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This single malt Scotch Whisky is inspired by the iconic and rewarding first bottling of the 16-year-old released in 1992. It has been matured in only Sherry casks to impart rich, fruity, and fragrant notes atop the beasty complexity synonymous with Mortlach. This deep amber whisky is palate-coating, robust, and full. The nose is bold and complex with notes of stewed black orchard fruits with earthiness and spice. The palate is full, with leathery spiciness and notes of apricot and honey. It's sweet and savoury with a dark, full, and rounded intensity.

ABV: 43.4%
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: Speyside
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Quality Guaranteed

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