SelvaRey White Rum 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

SelvaRey White Rum 750ml

$84.99 price per bottle

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SelvaRey White is simply the finest white rum out there. A delicate combination of rums aged in bourbon casks, it will change your perception of what this spirit can be. A 3-year-old-rum brings the vibrancy of fresh-cut sugarcane, which is rounded out with notes of caramel and butterscotch from a 5-year-old rum. This blend is lightly charcoal-filtered to remove the color, leaving elegance in its place. The taste is smooth and mellow, beautifully matching flavors of citrus, pineapple and toasty crème brûlée. Refreshing and delicious, it's the only choice for your Mojitos and Cuba Libres. 94 points Tasting Panel — Highest rated white rum ever Fifty Best — Double Gold Medal

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: CDT
Quality Guaranteed

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