Crown Royal Blackberry 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store

Crown Royal Blackberry 750ml

$89.00 price per bottle

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Crown Royal, the jewel of Canadian Whisky, was introduced in 1939 by Samuel Bronfman to celebrate a royal tour. From its humble beginnings at Gimli Manitoba distillery, Crown Royal has grown into a world-renowned brand under Diageo's stewardship. Crown Royal Blackberry Canadian Whisky is an extraordinary twist on a classic. This blackberry-infused Whisky, encased in a regal bottle, offers a sensory journey from the first pour. The palate dances with succulent blackberry notes intertwined with Crown Royal's signature smoothness. Each glass raised is not just a sip of Whisky; it's an immersion into Crown Royal's legacy of pushing flavor boundaries. So, here's to the refined journey of Crown Royal Blackberry Whisky, where innovation meets taste.

ABV: 35.0%
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Quality Guaranteed

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