Belvedere 10 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store
Belvedere 10 750ml

Belvedere 10 750ml

$219.99 price per bottle

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A new icon in vodka has stepped into the spotlight: Belvedere 10. Paying tribute to Belvedere’s origins, Belvedere 10 is inspired by the vodka making process used in 1910 when the distillery was first established. That recipe has now been remastered for a new generation, who demands only the very best. Indeed, everything about the crafting of this rare vodka has been meticulously considered. The quest for perfection has led Belvedere’s expert’s distillers to specify the very best ingredients, conditions and production processes: one rye, one farm, one field, one harvest. The spirit is then rested for exactly ten months to marry the unique flavors and elevate the velvety smooth mouthfeel. The bottle itself is a masterpiece of design, a modern icon of brutalist elegance that celebrates the vodka it holds. The Belvedere 10 stands at an extravagant ten levels tall, in tribute to the liquid's meticulous 10-step creation process. The white hue reflects the spirit’s purity, while its chiselled facets give a diamond-like sparkle.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: CDT
Quality Guaranteed

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