Isle Of Harris Gin 750ml | Tequila Liquor Store
Isle Of Harris Gin 750ml

Isle Of Harris Gin 750ml

$134.99 price per bottle

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On the nose, you will discover a well-defined juniper note with pine needles, followed by the fresh citrus notes of bitter orange, lime and grapefruit. Developed by a complex floral note of rose and wallflowers, with crushed green herbs, coriander and gooseberry, all underpinned by mixed spice. The Sugar Kelp helps add to the complexity and richness and gives this gin a dry maritime note. On the palate, this gin is refreshing, with good balance between bitter juniper and pine and the sweet fruit flavors of mango, grapefruit and orange. A green herb flavor of crushed coriander develops. Distinctive and smooth with a dry, flinty taste. Overall a long, clean finish. As the juniper and citrus fade away, sweet vanilla and black pepper remain with a gentle reminder of the sea. This gin uses nine botanicals including Sugar Kelp seaweed which creates subtle coastal notes in the spirit. Sugar Kelp is harvested by a local diver from the seas around the Outer Hebrides.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: CDT
Quality Guaranteed

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