Codigo 1530 Blanco Tequila 750ml
$131.99 price per bottle
Codigo 1530 is private recipe tequila that has been contracted by a family in Los Cabos for almost a decade, before finally becoming a commercial product in the U. S. Made at NOM 1500 by Tequileria las Juntas, the product was nameless for many years, exisiting solely as the house brand for family members and friends. Now availalble for the first time in retailers, Codigo brings an exciting and diverse line up of unique tequilas to a market that's long been saturated by similar products. The reposado from Codigo takes the formula of the deliciously concentrated blanco and adds six months of French oak wine cask maturation for a gentle touch of exotic spice and richness. The creaminess of the blanco melds beautifully with that brief maturation, creating the perfect balance of pure agave flavor and gentle oak influence. It finishes soft and clean on the palate
ABV: | 40.0% |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | - |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | BHW |